ප්‍රවර්ග සාකච්ඡාව:Chechen සැකිලි

oldid date/time username edit summary
67420866 2022-06-20T04:40:37Z WingerBot use {{auto cat}}, remove extraneous {{catfix}}/TOC templates (manually assisted)
47067984 2017-07-21T19:46:46Z JAnDbot Bot: Cleaning up old interwiki links
34308166 2015-09-01T14:31:09Z MalafayaBot Bot: Adding fr, hu, pt, ru
32855236 2015-05-25T10:18:48Z JAnDbot Bot: Adding [[nn:Kategori:Malar for tsjetsjensk]]
28295085 2014-08-07T22:55:09Z MewBot tempcatboiler > poscatboiler
26973283 2014-06-02T00:12:46Z MewBot Added explicit name to root category
6084953 2009-02-08T08:40:20Z Daniel Carrero New page: {{tempcatboiler|ce}}

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