Documentation for සැකිල්ල:pt-noun. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template generates a headword line and categorizes Portuguese noun entries.

The template uses Module:pt-headword as a back end.

This template should be added to all Portuguese noun entries.

The template should be placed within the Portuguese language section, immediately following the Noun L3 header.

As with other Wiktionary inflection line templates, please do not use subst:.

In the majority of cases, only the gender needs to be specified in |1=, e.g. for pessoa (person):


which produces

pessoa ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග (බහුවචන pessoas)

The module knows how to form the plural of most nouns, including those in -l, -ão, -m, etc. For example, for nação (nation):


which produces

nação ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග (බහුවචන nações)

Similarly, for pantanal (swamp, marsh):


which produces

pantanal පුරුෂ ලිංග (බහුවචන pantanais)

And for jovem (youth):


which produces

jovem පුරුෂ ලිංග or ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග by sense (බහුවචන jovens)

Note in the latter case that mfbysense as a gender indicates a noun that can be either masculine or feminine according to the natural gender of the being referred to, and categorizes into Category:Portuguese masculine and feminine nouns by sense.

Some nouns have irregular plurals. To specify this, use |2=, e.g. for cão (dog):


which produces

cão පුරුෂ ලිංග (බහුවචන cães)

If there is more than one possible plural, specify additional plurals using |pl2=, |pl3=, etc., as for anticlímax (anticlimax):


which produces

anticlímax පුරුෂ ලිංග (බහුවචන anticlímaxes or anticlímaces)

Here, # in a plural (or feminine, see below) stands for the lemma; hence #es is the same as anticlímaxes.

Another example is ashanti (Ashanti):


which produces

ashanti පුරුෂ ලිංග or ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග by sense (බහුවචන ashanti or ashantis)

Here, we use # as above to stand for the lemma, indicating an unchanged plural, and + to request the default plural (in this case ashantis).

Use an hyphen - to specify සැකිල්ල:lg nouns, as in the example:


which produces

ficção científica ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග (uncountable)

සැකිල්ල:lg nouns, that is, nouns that have the same form for both singular and plural, are autodetected by their morphology and don't require additional input:

ônibus පුරුෂ ලිංග (invariable)

However, it's possible to achieve the same result by duplicating the singular in |2=:

samurai පුරුෂ ලිංග (invariable)

Use |f= to specify the feminine equivalent of a masculine noun referring to a person or animal, as with amigo (friend):


which produces

amigo පුරුෂ ලිංග (බහුවචන amigos, ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග amiga, feminine plural amigas)

The module knows how to correctly form the feminine in most cases; to request the default, use +. A feminine plural will automatically be generated using the default pluralizing algorithm, which is almost always correct; to override this, use |fpl=.

Examples of default feminines are espectador (spectator)espectadora, bundão (coward, wuss)bundona and europeu (European)europeia.

Another more complex example is ancião (ancient person):


which produces

ancião පුරුෂ ලිංග (බහුවචන anciãos or anciões or anciães, ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග anciã, feminine plural anciãs)

You can add a qualifier to a given plural, feminine or gender. An example of a gender qualifier is with bratwurst (bratwurst):


which produces

bratwurst පුරුෂ ලිංග or (rare) ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග (බහුවචන bratwürste or bratwursts or bratwurst)

An example of a plural qualifier is with arrais (skipper, harbormaster):


which produces

arrais පුරුෂ ලිංග (බහුවචන arrais or (proscribed) arraises)

An example of a feminine qualifier is with castelão (castellan (caretaker of a castle); feudal lord who owns a castle (obsolete)):


which produces

castelão පුරුෂ ලිංග (බහුවචන castelãos or castelães or castelões, ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග castelã or (rare) castelona or (rare) casteloa, feminine plural castelãs or (rare) castelonas or (rare) casteloas)

Multiword expressions


The module knows how to correctly pluralize and form the feminine of most multiword expressions. An example is absorvente interno (tampon, literally internal absorbent):


which produces

absorvente interno පුරුෂ ලිංග (බහුවචන absorventes internos)

The default is to pluralize the first and last word (as here), unless there is a recognized preposition in the word, in which case only the portion before the preposition is pluralized. An example with a preposition is advogado do diabo (devil's advocate):


which produces

advogado do diabo පුරුෂ ලිංග (බහුවචන advogados do diabo, ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග advogada do diabo, feminine plural advogadas do diabo)

Note here we request the default feminine, which follows the same principles as the plural; in this case, only the portion before the preposition is pluralized.

Another example is abominável homem das neves (abominable snowman):


which produces

abominável homem das neves පුරුෂ ලිංග (බහුවචන abomináveis homens das neves)

Note how both words before the preposition are pluralized (recursively applying the default algorithm to the portion before the preposition).

In some cases, the default algorithm produces incorrect results. In those cases, you can control which words are pluralized using one of the following specs:

  • Use +first if only the first word inflects.
  • Use +last if only the first word inflects.
  • Use +first-last if the first and last word inflect.
  • Use +each if all words inflect.
  • Use +first-second if the first and second words inflect.
  • Use +second if only the second word inflects.
  • Use ++ to explicitly request the default multiword pluralization algorithm (needed with hyphenated terms; see below).

An example that uses these codes is equação diferencial ordinária (ordinary differential equation). The default is to pluralize the first and last words, but here we need each word pluralized:


which produces

equação diferencial ordinária ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග (බහුවචන equações diferenciais ordinárias)

Another example is bolo floresta negra (black forest cake), where we want only the first word pluralized:


which produces

bolo floresta negra පුරුෂ ලිංග (බහුවචන bolos floresta negra)

These codes also work for hyphenated terms such as gato-doméstico (domestic cat) and tartaruga-do-mar (sea turtle), but in these cases the default multiword algorithm does not automatically apply; instead, by default the word is treated as a single word. To apply the multiword algorithm, you must explicitly specify one of the codes above; use ++ to request the default. An example of this is gato-doméstico:


which produces

gato-doméstico පුරුෂ ලිංග (බහුවචන gatos-domésticos, ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග gata-doméstica, feminine plural gatas-domésticas)

Note here that we request the default multiword algorithm for both the plural and feminine (and as a result it's used for the feminine plural as well, which uses the spec of the feminine).

Another example is asa-delta (hang glider), which has two possible plurals:


which produces

asa-delta ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග (බහුවචන asas-delta or asas-deltas)

You can use this template for noun-forming suffixes. If the page name begins with a hyphen, the part of speech for categories is changed to suffixes instead of nouns, and the page is added to an additional category Category:Portuguese noun-forming suffixes. An example is -ês (-ese):


which produces

-ês පුරුෂ ලිංග (noun-forming suffix, බහුවචන -eses, ස්ත්‍රී ලිංග -esa, feminine plural -esas)

and automatically adds the page to Category:Portuguese suffixes, Category:Portuguese masculine suffixes and Category:Portuguese noun-forming suffixes.

Summary of parameters

|1= (required), |g2=, ...
Gender(s). |1= is required. Possible values are m (masculine), m-p (masculine, plurale tantum), f (feminine), f-p, mf (can be either masculine or feminine, with no meaning difference), mf-p, mfbysense (can be either masculine or feminine, according to the natural gender of the person or animal referred to), mfbysense-p, n (neuter; used for gender-neutral terms like amigue), n-p, ? (unknown gender), ?-p.
|g_qual=, |g2_qual=, ...
Optional qualifiers for the gender(s). |g_qual= corresponds to |1=, |g2_qual= corresponds to |g2=, etc.
|2=, |pl2=, ...
Explicitly specify the plural(s). If no plurals are specified, the default algorithm applies.
|pl_qual=, |pl2_qual=, ...
Optional qualifiers for the plural(s). |pl_qual= corresponds to |2=, |pl2_qual= corresponds to |pl2=, etc.
|f=, |f2=, ...
Explicitly specify the feminine equivalent(s).
|f_qual=, |f2_qual=, ...
Optional qualifiers for the feminine equivalent(s). |f_qual= corresponds to |f=, |f2_qual= corresponds to |f2=, etc.
|fpl=, |fpl2=, ...
Explicitly specify the plural(s) of the feminine equivalent(s). The default is based on applying the pluralization algorithm to the specified feminine equivalent(s) (if any).
|fpl_qual=, |fpl2_qual=, ...
Optional qualifiers for the feminine plural(s). |fpl_qual= corresponds to |fpl=, |fpl2_qual= corresponds to |fpl2=, etc.
|m=, |m2=, ...
Explicitly specify the masculine equivalent(s).
|m_qual=, |m2_qual=, ...
Optional qualifiers for the masculine equivalent(s). |m_qual= corresponds to |m=, |m2_qual= corresponds to |m2=, etc.
|mpl=, |mpl2=, ...
Explicitly specify the plural(s) of the masculine equivalent(s). The default is based on applying the pluralization algorithm to the specified masculine equivalent(s) (if any).
|mpl_qual=, |mpl2_qual=, ...
Optional qualifiers for the masculine plural(s). |mpl_qual= corresponds to |mpl=, |mpl2_qual= corresponds to |mpl2=, etc.
Specify that the noun has a metaphonic plural (see Appendix:Portuguese pronunciation#Metaphony).
Override the page name. Useful especially on documentation and test pages.

For all the above plural/feminine/masculine parameters, use + to explicitly request the default and # to stand for the lemma.

"සැකිල්ල:pt-noun/documentation&oldid=183182" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි