This module contains definitions and metadata for three-letter language codes starting with "c". See Wiktionary:Languages for more information.

This module must not be used directly in other modules or templates. The data should be accessed through Module:languages. For the corresponding main data, see Module:languages/data/3/c.

Errors සංස්කරණය

The following errors were detected by Module:data consistency check:



  • Panyi Bai, the canonical name for bfc, is repeated in the table of otherNames.

Module:etymology languages/data

  • Literary Chinese භාෂාව (lzh-lit) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code lzh.
  • The data key preprocess_links for ??? (th-new) is invalid.


Module:languages/canonical names

  • The canonical name Min Dong (cdo) is missing.
  • Eastern Min, the canonical name for the code cdo, is wrong; it should be Min Dong.
  • The canonical name Puxian (cpx) is missing.
  • Puxian Min, the canonical name for the code cpx, is wrong; it should be Puxian.
  • Central Min, the canonical name for the code czo, is wrong; it should be Min Zhong.
  • The canonical name Min Zhong (czo) is missing.
  • The canonical name Khanty (kca) is missing.
  • The canonical name Tasmanian (xtz) is missing.

Module:languages/code to canonical name

  • Eastern Min, the canonical name for the code cdo, is wrong; it should be Min Dong.
  • Puxian Min, the canonical name for the code cpx, is wrong; it should be Puxian.
  • Central Min, the canonical name for the code czo, is wrong; it should be Min Zhong.
  • The code kca (Khanty) is missing.
  • The code xtz (Tasmanian) is missing.

Values සංස්කරණය

All values are optional.

A list of aliases/synonyms for the language, other than the canonical name.
A table of language varieties that are subsumed under the language. This should not in general include those language varieties for which separate etymology language codes have been assigned (e.g. Late Latin, Vulgar Latin and Medieval Latin for Latin; Auvergnat, Gascon, Lengadocian, Limousin, Provençal and Vivaro-Alpine for Occitan). If a given variety has several names, they can all be listed by including a sublist in the overall list, where the first element is the canonical name that you want the variety to be known by, and the remainder are aliases. For example, Azerbaijani lists the following under varieties:
	{"North Azerbaijani", "South Azerbaijani",
		{"Afshar", "Afshari", "Afshar Azerbaijani", "Afchar"},
		{"Qashqa'i", "Qashqai", "Kashkay"},

Here, the Afshar variety has three aliases specified (Afshari, Afshar Azerbaijani, and Afchar) while the Qashqa'i variety has two aliases specified (Qashqai and Kashkay), and the Songor, North Azerbaijani and South Azerbaijani varieties have no aliases listed. Note that, as here, varieties at different levels of specificity can be given in the same list.

In some cases varieties should instead be added to Module:etymology languages/data, with the language as the parent value, so that they can be referred to in etymologies.

otherNames (deprecated)
A table of all non-canonical names that this language is known by, including both synonyms and language varieties. This should not be used in new languages, and existing languages should have the entries in this list moved into either aliases or varieties.

local m = {}

m["caa"] = {
	aliases = {"Chorti", "Chʼortiʼ"},

m["cab"] = {

m["cac"] = {

m["cad"] = {

m["cae"] = {

m["caf"] = {

m["cag"] = {

m["cah"] = {

m["caj"] = {

m["cak"] = {
	aliases = {"Cakchiquel", "Kakchiquel", "Cachiquel"},

m["cal"] = {

m["cam"] = {

m["can"] = {

m["cao"] = {

m["cap"] = {

m["caq"] = {
	aliases = {"Car"},

m["car"] = {
	otherNames = {"Carib", "Caribe", "Carina", "Cariña", "Cari'na", "Galibi", "Galibí", "Galibi Carib", "Kalihna", "Kalina", "Kali'na", "Kalinya", "Karìna", "Kari'nja", "Mainland Carib", "Maraworno", "Marworno"},

m["cas"] = {
	otherNames = {"Chimané", "Mosetén"},

m["cav"] = {
	aliases = {"Cavinena"},

m["caw"] = {

m["cax"] = {

m["cay"] = {

m["caz"] = {

m["cbb"] = {

m["cbc"] = {

m["cbd"] = {
	otherNames = {"Carihona", "Karijona", "Karihona", "Jianacoto", "Jianácoto", "Hianakoto", "Hianacoto", "Hianákoto", "Guaque", "Omagua", "Umaua", "Umawa"},

m["cbg"] = {

m["cbi"] = {
	aliases = {"Cha'palaa", "Chapalaa", "Cha'palaachi", "Chapalaachi", "Cayapa"},

m["cbj"] = {

m["cbk"] = {
	aliases = {"Zamboanga Chavacano"},

m["cbl"] = {
	otherNames = {"Bualkhaw"},

m["cbn"] = {
	aliases = {"Nyahkur"},

m["cbo"] = {

m["cbq"] = {
	otherNames = {"Tsucuba", "Cuba"},

m["cbr"] = {
	otherNames = {"Cashibo", "Cacataibo"},

m["cbs"] = {

m["cbt"] = {

m["cbu"] = {

m["cbv"] = {

m["cbw"] = {

m["cby"] = {
	otherNames = {"Caraballo", "Yuri", "Aroje", "Yacumo", "Maku", "Macu", "Macusa"},

m["cca"] = {

m["ccc"] = {

m["ccd"] = {

m["cce"] = {

m["ccg"] = {
	otherNames = {"Samba Daka", "Nakanyare"},

m["cch"] = {

m["ccj"] = {

m["ccl"] = {

m["ccm"] = {

m["cco"] = {

m["ccp"] = {
	aliases = {"Changmha"},

m["ccr"] = {

m["cda"] = {

m["cde"] = {

m["cdf"] = {

m["cdh"] = {

m["cdi"] = {

m["cdj"] = {

m["cdm"] = {

m["cdn"] = {

m["cdo"] = {
	aliases = {"Min Dong Chinese"},

m["cdr"] = {

m["cds"] = {

m["cdy"] = {

m["cdz"] = {

m["cea"] = {

m["ceb"] = {

m["ceg"] = {

m["cen"] = {
	otherNames = {"Cèn", "Chen"},

m["cet"] = {
	otherNames = {"Jalaa", "Cèntûm", "Cen Tuum"},

m["cfa"] = {

m["cfd"] = {

m["cfg"] = {

m["cfm"] = {
	aliases = {"Falam"},

m["cga"] = {

m["cgc"] = {

m["cgg"] = {

m["cgk"] = {

m["chb"] = {

m["chc"] = {

m["chd"] = {
	otherNames = {"Oaxaca Chontal", "Oaxacan Chontal", "Chontal", "Tequistlatec", "Mountain Tequistlateco", "Highland Chontal", "Mountain Chontal"},

m["chf"] = {

m["chg"] = {

m["chh"] = {

m["chj"] = {

m["chk"] = {

m["chl"] = {

m["chn"] = {

m["cho"] = {

m["chp"] = {
	otherNames = {"Dëne Sųłiné", "Dënesųłiné", "Dëne", "Dene Suline", "Denesuline", "Dene"},

m["chq"] = {

m["chr"] = {
	aliases = {"Tsalagi"}, 
	varieties = {"Lower Cherokee", {"Middle Cherokee", "Kituwah", "Kituhwa", "Eastern Cherokee"}, {"Overhill Cherokee", "Otali", "Western Cherokee"}},

m["cht"] = {

m["chw"] = {
	aliases = {"Chuwabu", "Cuwabo", "Cuwabu", "Cuabo", "Txuwabo", "Echuabo"},

m["chx"] = {

m["chy"] = {

m["chz"] = {

m["cia"] = {

m["cib"] = {

m["cic"] = {

m["cid"] = {

m["cie"] = {

m["cih"] = {

m["cik"] = {

m["cim"] = {
	varieties = {"Luserna Cimbrian", "Sette Comuni Cimbrian", "Thirteen Communities Cimbrian"}, 

m["cin"] = {

m["cip"] = {

m["cir"] = {
	otherNames = {"Tîrî", "Ciri", "Tinrin", "Méa", "Haméa"},

m["ciy"] = {

m["cja"] = {

m["cje"] = {

m["cjh"] = {

m["cji"] = {

m["cjk"] = {

m["cjm"] = {

m["cjn"] = {

m["cjo"] = {

m["cjp"] = {

m["cjs"] = {

m["cjv"] = {

m["cjy"] = {
	aliases = {"Jinyu", "Jinhua", "Jinese", "Shanxinese", "Jin Chinese", "Jinyu Chinese"},

m["ckb"] = {
	aliases = {"Sorani"},

m["ckh"] = {
	aliases = {"Sak"},

m["ckl"] = {
	aliases = {"Chibuk", "Chibok", "Chibbak", "Chibbuk", "Kyibaku", "Kibbaku", "Kibaku"},

m["ckn"] = {
	aliases = {"Kaang"},

m["cko"] = {
	aliases = {"Chakosi"},

m["ckq"] = {

m["ckr"] = {

m["cks"] = {

m["ckt"] = {

m["cku"] = {

m["ckv"] = {
	aliases = {"Kbalan", "Kebalan"},

m["ckx"] = {

m["cky"] = {

m["ckz"] = {
	otherNames = {"Cauque Mayan"},

m["cla"] = {
	otherNames = {"Bokkos", "Daffo-Butura", "Shagawu"},

m["clc"] = {
	aliases = {"Tsilhqot'in", "Tsilhqut'in", "Tzilkotin"},

m["cld"] = {

m["cle"] = {

m["clh"] = {

m["cli"] = {

m["clj"] = {
	aliases = {"Laitu"},

m["clk"] = {
	otherNames = {"Idu-Mishmi", "Idu Mishmi"},

m["cll"] = {

m["clm"] = {
	aliases = {"Clallam", "S'Klallam"},

m["clo"] = {
	otherNames = {"Oaxaca Chontal", "Oaxacan Chontal", "Chontal", "Huamelultec", "Huamelula Chontal", "Coastal Chontal"},

m["clt"] = {
	aliases = {"Lautu"},

m["clu"] = {

m["clw"] = {
	otherNames = {"Chulim", "Chulym-Turkic", "Küerik", "Chulym Tatar", "Melets Tatar"},

m["cly"] = {

m["cma"] = {
	otherNames = {"Maa"},

m["cme"] = {

m["cmg"] = {

m["cmi"] = {

m["cml"] = {

m["cmm"] = {

m["cmn"] = {
	aliases = {"Mandarin Chinese", "Putonghua", "Guoyu", "Huayu", "Guanhua", "Beifanghua", "Standard Chinese"},

m["cmo"] = {

m["cmr"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mro-Khimi Chin", "Mro", "Mro-Khimi"},

m["cms"] = {
	aliases = {"Messapian"},

m["cmt"] = {

m["cna"] = {

m["cnb"] = {
	aliases = {"Chinbon"},

m["cnc"] = {
	aliases = {"Côông", "Coong"},

m["cng"] = {

m["cnh"] = {
	otherNames = {"Haka Chin", "Haka"},

m["cni"] = {
	aliases = {"Ashaninka"},

m["cnk"] = {
	otherNames = {"Khumi", "Khami", "Nisay", "Nise", "Eastern Khumi", "Eastern Khumi Chin"},

m["cnl"] = {

m["cno"] = {

m["cnp"] = {
	aliases = {"Northern Ping"},

m["cns"] = {

m["cnt"] = {

m["cnu"] = {
	aliases = {"Shenwa"},

m["cnw"] = {
	aliases = {"Ngawn"},

m["cnx"] = {

m["coa"] = {
	aliases = {"Cocos Malay"},

m["cob"] = {

m["coc"] = {

m["cod"] = {
	otherNames = {"Kokama", "Kokáma", "Cocama-Cocamilla", "Kukama-Kukamiria", "Cocamilla", "Kokamíya", "Cocaima"},

m["coe"] = {

m["cof"] = {
	otherNames = {"Colorado", "Tsáchila"},

m["cog"] = {

m["coh"] = {

m["coj"] = {

m["cok"] = {

m["col"] = {
	otherNames = {"Columbia-Wenatchee", "Columbia-Moses", "Nxaamxcin", "Wenatchi", "Wenatchee"},

m["com"] = {

m["con"] = {
	otherNames = {"Cofan", "Kofan", "Kofane", "A'ingae", "Maku", "Macu"},

m["coo"] = {

m["cop"] = {
	-- Don't include varieties in [[Module:etymology languages/data]]

m["coq"] = {

m["cot"] = {

m["cou"] = {

m["cov"] = {

m["cow"] = {

m["cox"] = {

m["coy"] = {

m["coz"] = {
	otherNames = {"Chocho", "Chocholtec"},

m["cpa"] = {

m["cpb"] = {

m["cpc"] = {

m["cpg"] = {
	aliases = {"Cappadocian"},

m["cpi"] = {

m["cpn"] = {
	otherNames = {"Chiripon", "Chiripong", "Kyerepong", "Okere"},

m["cpo"] = {
	otherNames = {"Kpeego", "Kpeen", "Numu"},

m["cps"] = {

m["cpu"] = {

m["cpx"] = {
	otherNames = {"Pu-Xian", "Puxian Min", "Pu-Xian Min", "Pu Xian", "Pu Xian Chinese", "Putian", "Xinghua", "Hinghwa"},

m["cpy"] = {

m["cqd"] = {

m["cra"] = {

m["crb"] = {
	otherNames = {"Igneri", "Inyeri", "Iñeri", "Island Carib", "Kalhiphona", "Karifuna"},

m["crc"] = {

m["crd"] = {

m["crf"] = {

m["crg"] = {

m["crh"] = {

m["cri"] = {
	aliases = {"Forro", "São Tomense"},

m["crj"] = {

m["crk"] = {

m["crl"] = {

m["crm"] = {

m["crn"] = {

m["cro"] = {
	otherNames = {"Apsalooke"},

m["crq"] = {

m["crr"] = {

m["crs"] = {

m["crt"] = {

m["crv"] = {
	otherNames = {"Tutet"},

m["crw"] = {

m["crx"] = {

m["cry"] = {

m["crz"] = {

m["csa"] = {

m["csb"] = {

m["csc"] = {

m["csd"] = {

m["cse"] = {

m["csf"] = {

m["csg"] = {

m["csh"] = {
	aliases = {"Asho"},

m["csi"] = {

m["csj"] = {
	aliases = {"Songlai"},

m["csk"] = {

m["csl"] = {

m["csm"] = {

m["csn"] = {

m["cso"] = {

m["csp"] = {
	aliases = {"Southern Ping"},

m["csq"] = {

m["csr"] = {

m["css"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mutsun", "San Juan Bautista Costanoan", "Rumsien", "San Carlos Costanoan", "Carmeleno"},

m["cst"] = {

m["csv"] = {
	aliases = {"Sumtu"},

m["csw"] = {

m["csy"] = {
	aliases = {"Siyin"},

m["csz"] = {
	otherNames = {"Hanis", "Hanis Coos"},

m["cta"] = {

m["ctc"] = {
	otherNames = {"Chetco", "Siletz Dee-ni", "Deeni", "Tututni", "Siletz"},

m["ctd"] = {
	otherNames = {"Tedim", "Tiddim", "Sukte"},

m["cte"] = {

m["ctg"] = {

m["cth"] = {
	aliases = {"Thaiphum"},

m["ctl"] = {

m["ctm"] = {

m["ctn"] = {

m["cto"] = {

m["ctp"] = {

m["cts"] = {

m["ctt"] = {
	aliases = {"Chetti"},

m["ctu"] = {

m["ctz"] = {

m["cua"] = {

m["cub"] = {
	aliases = {"Cuveo", "Kubéo", "Kubeo", "Kubéu", "Kubeu", "Cobewa", "Cobéua", "Cobeua", "Kubéwa", "Kubewa", "Kobéua", "Kobeua", "Kobewa", "Pamiwa"},

m["cuc"] = {

m["cug"] = {
	otherNames = {"Chung", "Chungmboko", "Chung-Mboko", "Mboko"},

m["cuh"] = {

m["cui"] = {

m["cuj"] = {

m["cuk"] = {

m["cul"] = {
	otherNames = {"Kulina", "Kulína", "Kulyna", "Curina", "Corina", "Korina", "Culina-Madijá", "Madijá", "Madija", "Madiha", "Madihá"},

m["cuo"] = {
	otherNames = {"Cumanogota", "Cumana", "Cumaná", "Kumana", "Kumaná"},

m["cup"] = {

m["cuq"] = {
	aliases = {"Gelong"},

m["cur"] = {

m["cut"] = {

m["cuu"] = {

m["cuv"] = {

m["cuw"] = {

m["cux"] = {

m["cuy"] = {
	aliases = {"Cuitlateco"},

m["cvg"] = {

m["cvn"] = {

m["cwa"] = {

m["cwb"] = {

m["cwd"] = {

m["cwe"] = {

m["cwg"] = {
	aliases = {"Cheq Wong", "Cheq-Wong", "Ceq Wong"},

m["cwt"] = {

m["cya"] = {

m["cyb"] = {
	aliases = {"Cayuvava", "Cayuwaba"},

m["cyo"] = {

m["czh"] = {
	aliases = {"Huizhou Chinese"},

m["czk"] = {

m["czn"] = {

m["czo"] = {
	aliases = {"Min Zhong Chinese"},

m["czt"] = {
	aliases = {"Zotung"},

return m
"" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි