This module provides automatically generated documentation for other modules. It fetches inline comments in Lua code and convert them to a documentation page, or a section of it.

In fact, it is also generating a documentation for itself. You can see the code below and get a living example.


Generates the documentation wikitext from the Lua code. It can take 3 template arguments.

  • |comment_level=: How many equal signs the comment to be fetched uses in its bracket. Defaults to 2.
    E.g. 3 means --[===[ ... (comment block) ]===].
  • |section_level=: The level of the section each function's text will occupy. Defaults to 2 (L2).
  • |identifier=: A Lua string pattern. Only the comments of functions whose names can be matched by this pattern is used. When it is not given, all function are accepted.
  • All local functions will be ignored, since they are invisible outside the module.
  • Curly brackets in comments are used as a shortcut for syntaxhighlight. Use syntaxhighlight instead for whatever reason making it fail.

This module provides automatically generated documentation for other modules. It fetches inline comments in Lua code and convert them to a documentation page, or a section of it.
In fact, it is also generating a documentation for itself. You can see the code below and get a living example.
local export = {}

local function format_doc(str)
	return (str
		:gsub('%f[\n,{]\n%f[^\n*#:;]', '\n\n') -- wiki newlines
		:gsub('(\n[ *#:]*)(|?[_%w]+=?):', '%1<code><b>%2</b></code>:') -- parameter names
		:gsub('%b{}', function(m0) -- {} blocks
			if m0:sub(2, 2) == '{' and m0:sub(-2, -2) == '}' then return nil end
			return '<syntaxhighlight lang=lua' .. (m0:match'\n' and '' or ' inline') .. '>' .. m0:sub(2, -2) .. '</syntaxhighlight>'

Generates the documentation wikitext from the Lua code. It can take 3 template arguments.
* |comment_level=: How many equal signs the comment to be fetched uses in its bracket. Defaults to 2.
*: E.g. 3 means {--[===[ ... (comment block) ]===]}.
* |section_level=: The level of the section each function's text will occupy. Defaults to 2 (L2).
* |identifier=: A Lua string pattern. Only the comments of functions whose names can be matched by this pattern is used. When it is not given, all function are accepted.
	local args = frame:getParent().args or {}
	local comment_level = tonumber(args['comment_level']) or 2
	local pattern_comment = '%-%-%[' .. ('='):rep(comment_level) .. '%[\n?(.-)\n?]' .. ('='):rep(comment_level) .. ']()'
	local section_mark = ('='):rep(tonumber(args['section_level']) or 2)
	local pattern_identifier = args['identifier'] or ''
	local mod_title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	if mod_title.text:match'/documentation$' then return '(<i>The generated documentation is located at the module page.</i>)' end
	local mod_text = mod_title:getContent()
	if not mod_text then return '(<i>The module page does not exist now.</i>)' end
	local chunk
	local leading_section_raw = mod_text:match('^' .. pattern_comment)
	if leading_section_raw then
		chunk = { format_doc(leading_section_raw) }
	else chunk = {} end
	for p0, f, fn in mod_text:gmatch('()\nfunction +(([^\n(]+)[^\n)]+%))') do
		if fn:match(pattern_identifier) then			
			local c = mod_text:sub(1, p0 - 1):match('^.*' .. pattern_comment .. '%s*$')
			table.insert(chunk, section_mark .. fn .. section_mark .. '\n\n' .. '<syntaxhighlight lang=lua inline>function ' .. f .. '</syntaxhighlight>\n\n' .. format_doc(c or '<strong class="error">This function lacks a documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.</strong>[[Category:Templates and modules needing documentation]]'))
	local postscriptum = mod_text:match('^.*' .. pattern_comment .. '%s*$')
	if postscriptum then
		table.insert(chunk, section_mark .. 'Usage notes' .. section_mark .. '\n\n' .. format_doc(postscriptum))
	return frame:preprocess(table.concat(chunk, '\n\n'))

return export
* All local functions will be ignored, since they are invisible outside the module.
* Curly brackets in comments are used as a shortcut for syntaxhighlight. Use syntaxhighlight instead for whatever reason making it fail.
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