These tests of the conversion of Sanskrit from Devanagari to Lao. For the full set of tests and an explanation of the test messages, see Module:sa-convert/testcases.

2 of 11 tests failed. (refresh)

Passedनिर्वाण Laoo: ນິຣ຺ວາຓnirvāṇanirvāṇa
Passedगङ्गा Laoo: ຄງ຺ຄາgaṅgāgaṅgā
Passedवीर Laoo: ວີຣvīravīra
Passedआचार्यैः Laoo: ອາຈາຣ຺ໄຍະācāryaiḥācāryaiḥ
Passedगोपन Laoo: ໂຄປນgopanagopana
Passedप्राक् Laoo: ປ຺ຣາກ຺prākprāk
Passedक्रोध Laoo: ກ຺ໂຣຘkrodhakrodha
Passedआस्ये Laoo: ອາສ຺ເຍāsyeāsye
Failedसऋक्ष Laoo: ສຣິກ຺ຩsaṛkṣasarikṣa
Failedसंस्कृतम् Laoo: ສໍສ຺ກ຺ຣິຕມ຺saṃskṛtamsaṃskritam
Passedनीळ Laoo: ນີຬnīḷanīḷa

local tests = require('Module:sa-convert/testcases')
tests.test_all = nil

function tests:test_one_script()
	tests:one_script("Laoo", false) -- Safish tests
	tests:one_script("Laoo", true)  -- Risky tests

return tests
"" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි